Agression of Armenia against Azerbaijan

Statement of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the meeting of the CIS Council of Heads of States on the large-scale attacks of the Armenian Armed Forces in Azerbaijan`s territory – Moscow, April 15, 1994

The state of emergency induced me to address to you with this statement.

Since April 10 of the current year, the armed forces of Armenia have undertaken new large-scale attacks in the direction of Goranboy and Terter regions, and since April 11-in direction of Aghdare and Aghdam regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan. These days the Azerbaijan divisions, beating off continuous attacks of numerically surpassing units of armed forces of Armenia and conduct bloody defensive fights. The military contingent by a number near by 3000 person together with tens armored units and heavy artillery, including “Grad” installations have been brought from territory of Armenia to a zone of the conflict. The above mentioned settlements of Azerbaijan are fired by these installations. There are huge destructions and numerous victims among civilians in these villages.

The address of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev to His Excellency Mr. William J. Clinton, President of the United States of America. Baku, February 8, 1999

Dear Mr. President!

I would like to express my deep anxiety concerning the absence of progress in settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. Territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, as before, remains violated, 20 percent of the Azerbaijan lands is still under occupation of the Armenian armed forces, one million Azerbaijani refugees violently driven out from native lands have been exposed to the big deprivations for five years. Resolutions of Security Council of the United Nations  No: 822, 853, 874 and 884 with the requirement of unconditional withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces from occupied territories are not implemented.