
“The Soviet Republic of Armenia was built to become a new Armenian homeland”

Tomas de Vaal

The nineteenth-century city acquired a more Armenian character as the Russians settled thousands ofnew Armenian immigrants from Turkey and Persia there, but even in the 1870s, Yerevan had only around twelve thousand inhabitants. It was far smaller than Shusha, and Ar­menian migrant workers were far more likely to seek their fortunes in Baku. (Lourie, Yerevan’s Phenomenon, p. 177-178).

Armenians about themselves

1  Qafqazda Osmanlılara qarşı vuruşan və girdikləri məhəllələrdə vəhşiliklər törədən Hınçaq erməni könüllü dəstələrindən bir qrup (İzk qəzeti 2 mart 1915)

Dashnak agents of the Armenian government are trying to incorporate Karabakh into Armenia. It is aimed at depriving the Karabakh population from life source related to Baku and connecting never existing ties to Yerevan. In the 5th congress the Armenian peasants decided to recognize Azerbaijan and join her.”

Anastas Mikoyan. Letter dated 22.05.1919 to V. I. Lenin.