Paskevich: “The majority of migrants, especially the poor, tend to Karabakh…”


One of the main objectives of the resettlement of the Armenians from Iran was to “christianize” the Azerbaijani province of Russia or rather “armenianize” it. In order to determine a new “administrative structure” for the Transcaucasia in the early 30s of XIX century senators P .I. Kutaysov and Y. I. Mechnikov visited this region.

Armenians about themselves

1  Qafqazda Osmanlılara qarşı vuruşan və girdikləri məhəllələrdə vəhşiliklər törədən Hınçaq erməni könüllü dəstələrindən bir qrup (İzk qəzeti 2 mart 1915)

Dashnak agents of the Armenian government are trying to incorporate Karabakh into Armenia. It is aimed at depriving the Karabakh population from life source related to Baku and connecting never existing ties to Yerevan. In the 5th congress the Armenian peasants decided to recognize Azerbaijan and join her.”

Anastas Mikoyan. Letter dated 22.05.1919 to V. I. Lenin.


In the name of Almighty God

With the intention to cease horror of the war and re-establish steady peace and well-wishing friendship neighborhood shared by Russia Empire and the State of Iran since the ancient times, The GLORIOUS and the GREAT EMPEROR and RULER of All Russia HIS MAJESTY the EMPEROR and the Head of the State of Iran, HIS MAJESTY the King, for fair purpose of saving and caused with deep love to their homagers, appointed their underwritten authorised Representatives: