According to him, all other relevant questions for Azerbaijan is part of the monitoring dialogue between the Council of Europe and Azerbaijan and the ad hoc committee calls on the Azerbaijani authorities to continue the cooperation with the Monitoring Committee and implement the PACEconclusions and recommendations.
The PACE mission concludes that the referendum was organized in accordance with the national legislation and the Constitution of Azerbaijan and is considered legal and legitimate, he added.
“The mission notes that the voting process was transparent, well organized, efficient and peaceful throughout polling day, and that no serious violations were observed during the counting process,” said Suleymanov. “The PACEmission considers that the result of the referendum, in favor of adoption of the modifications to the Constitution, expresses the willingness of the people of Azerbaijan to take a step forward towards safe, stable and sustainable development of their country and to target the establishment of a more efficient system of governance and the implementation of more meaningful reforms.”
On Oct. 10, PACE Bureau members unanimously adopted the memorandum, and the formal procedure of monitoring the September 26 constitutional referendum in Azerbaijan ended positively, added the MP.
“As these reforms strengthen the Constitution of Azerbaijan in terms of human rights, economy and institutions, we have entered a new and hopeful phase in the history of our country,” said Suleymanov.
The referendum to make amendments to Azerbaijan’s Constitution was held on Sept. 26.
The voter turnout throughout the country stood at 69.7 percent, or 3,671,707 people. According to the Election Code, the referendum was considered valid.