Genocides of azerbaijanis

About 4,000 Azerbaijanis missing as result of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict


Over 6,000 Azerbaijani citizens went missing and were taken prisoner and hostage as a result of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, said Eldar Samadov, deputy head of the working group of Azerbaijan’s State Commission on Prisoners of War, Hostages and Missing Persons.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Armenian Deaths

qondarma soyqirim

On April 24, 2009–Armenian Remembrance Day– President Barack Obama issued a statement “remember[ing] the 1.5 million Armenian [deaths] in the final days of the Ottoman Empire.” The President stumbled.

Chronology of Armenian terrorism between 1973 and 1986


January 27, 1973 Santa Barbara, California, The Armenian Gourgen Yanikian, a U.S. citizen, invites the Turkish Consul General, Mehmet Baydar, and the Consul, Bahadir Demir to lunch. The diplomats accept the friendly invitation unsuspectly. Gourgen Yanikian murders his two guests. He is sentenced to life imprisonment.

Mass deportation of Azerbaijanis from the territory of Armenia




–By hitting financial situation of church-sponsored political organizations, the law on transferring church lands to the disposal of the Ministry of Land and Property of Russia led to expansion of the Armenian terrorism and to escalation of anti-Turkish and anti-Muslim sentiments.

The New York Times “Massacre by Armenians Being Reported”


AGDAM, Azerbaijan, March 2— Fresh evidence emerged today of a massacre of civilians by Armenian militants in Nagorno-Karabakh, a predominantly Armenian enclave of Azerbaijan.

The Azerbaijani press agency Azerinform reported renewed Armenian missile fire on the Azerbaijani-populated town of Shusha on Sunday night. It said several people had been wounded in another attack, on the settlement of Venjali, early today.

Khojaly genocide is a crime against the mankind

Ilqar ceferov 2

The policy of genocide and aggression has been pursued by the Armenian nationalists against our people for more than two hundred years. This policy was aimed at driving the Azerbaijanis out of their lands and creating Greater Armenia, a fiction of the Armenian historians and ideologists. In order to implement their offensive and dangerous policy, they have used different ways and means, including the falsification of history, political provocations supported at the state level, aggressive nationalism, separatism, and aggression against the neighboring nations, “national-cultural”, religious, political, and even terrorist organizations established both in Armenia and in other countries, and they mobilized forces of the Armenian diaspora and lobby.